Christel Payseng
6 min readFeb 22, 2021

How to Care for Lupus patients and benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Lupus is a genetic disorder; but it can also be triggered by antibiotics injected in the body. The immune system malfunctions and cannot distinguish healthy cells from foreign antigens. This creates pain, inflammation, and tissue damage.

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Living with Lupus means experiencing recurring pain. You feel tired most of the time, rashes can sprout all over your face and body. Stomach aches and mouth ulcers plague daily activities preventing you from enjoying meals and attending social events.

Lupus patients suffer severe headaches, fever, dizziness, and loss of hair. Knees and joints become brittle and weak. Without proper medication and treatment, the symptoms escalate and begin to attack the heart and kidneys.

Overwork, high levels of stress trigger Lupus. Too much exposure from the sun as well as fluorescent and halogen light heightens trigger attacks.

While there are pain medications given for Lupus like chloroquine, it takes at least 6 months for any positive effects to show. While using these drugs Lupus patients might experience stomach aches, and change of skin color. These drugs prove lacking since they cannot fight major symptoms.

This is the reason why futuristic treatments are being investigated by the medical community. Many are beginning to hope on the ability of stem cell therapy to provide relief for Lupus sufferers.

Stem cell therapy for Lupus

If your Lupus is not responding to pain medications and traditional forms of treatment, you should consult your physician and ask them about the possibility of adding mesenchymal stem cells to your treatment.

Mesenchymal stem cells are now being used by physicians to treat Lupus. The use of mesenchymal stem cells is supported by various studies like the meta-analysis of Liu S., that discusses eight studies that were conducted to measure the efficacy of cell therapy of Lupus.

Over 200 patients were given Mesenchymal stem cells during the study. And in all these studies they were able to see significant changes that are helpful for Lupus patients. One evidence is the decrease of protein in the urine of Lupus patients which marks a decrease in the progression of Lupus inside the body.

Lupus causes cells to begin attacking the body itself, if not caught in its early stage it will lead to severe complications. Rashes and joint pain are treatable symptoms, but when it leads to organ failure this is when Lupus becomes life threatening. It will damage the brain, the heart, and the lungs.

The common treatment for Lupus is to prescribe corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and biologics but often, this treatment proper leads to so many side effects that destroy the quality of life of the Lupus patient.

How Does Mesenchymal Stem Cells Fight Lupus?

Mesenchymal stem cells are naturally occurring in the body, it has a unique ability to transform into any other type of cell in the body. It is versatile and repairs damaged cells in the body and even replaces problematic ones. Every human being has stem cells inside their body, but as we get older, we lose some of them.

The medical community has created a system to replenish the lost mesenchymal stem cells in our body. The main idea is to supplement the body with high volumes of fresh new stem cells. A Lupus patient will receive a fresh set of mesenchymal stem cells to help their body gain a boost in its ability to fight off inflammation caused by autoimmune disorders.

Mesenchymal stem cells are taken from the patient’s bone marrow or a donor that matches their profile. It can also be through donated cord tissue and other tissues in the body. The great thing about Mesenchymal stem cells taken from a person’s own bone marrow is that the body will not reject it. You no longer require a donor match.

Stem Cell clinics use cord-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells that are ethically sourced. These cells go through rigorous testing before they are used for treating diseases.

At Feeling Good at Any Age One- Stop Rejuvenation Center located in Covina, California patients undergo therapy in an advanced clinic with proper supervision from the medical team.

Address: 274 Badillo St, Covina, CA 91723, United States

Patients undergo physical assessment. Doctors determine if their body is suitable for mesenchymal stem cells treatment. After that, a compatible procedure would be given to them based on their condition. Stem Cell therapy protocol is safe and non-invasive, and most patients can go home and even travel the next day.

‍Stem Cell Therapy Advocates:

Actress-singer, author, and film producer Lourdes Duque Baron attest to the efficacy of stem cell therapy treatments.

Stem Cell therapy led to the incremental improvements that allowed Lourdes Duque Baron and Michael York to live the best life possible.

Michael York is an advocate for stem cells after receiving treatment for his Amyloidosis and Multiple Myeloma.
While 74-year-old Lourdes Duque Baron experienced the healing of her Osteoporosis by way of stem cell therapy.

Age should not define what you can do. Best to create a better world for humanity to thrive upon without fear of old age and other symptoms of age-related degenerative diseases- Lou Baron ( The Manila Times Interview)

“I want my readers to fully understand and grasp the importance of this medical breakthrough,” she said. “We are talking about the future generations and the new breed of humans, and I want to bring the knowledge to the public’s doorstep,” she added. ( Interview for PR, New Breed of Homo Sapiens)

Lou Baron on the Cover of Hollywood Weekly at age 72 ( New Breed of Homo Sapiens book)


(1) Brazier, Y. (2018, November 12). Lupus: Causes, symptoms, and research. Retrieved from

(2) Cojocaru, M., Cojocaru, I.M., Silosi, I., Vrabie, C.D. (2011). Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Maedica: A Journal of Clinical Medicine; 6(4): 330–336.

(3) Liu, S., Guo, Y. L., Yang, J. Y., Wang, W., & Xu, J. (2018, December 18). Efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells on systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis. Retrieved from

(4) Liang, J., Zhang, H., Hua, B., Lu, L., Shi, S., Hou, Y., … Sun, L. (2010, August 1). Allogenic mesenchymal stem cells transplantation in refractory systemic lupus erythematosus: a pilot clinical study. Retrieved from

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The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.

Christel Payseng
Christel Payseng

Written by Christel Payseng

Antiquarian, someone who is simply enjoying her journey through life, Jesus Christ is King

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