I Called Myself Cassandra, written by Filipino American novelist, singer, and actress Lourdes Duque Baron is a very popular and uplifting book.
Prestigious and cutting-edge universities in the US have noticed Lourdes Duque Baron’s phenomenal book and included it in the top books being recommended to students.
I Called Myself Cassandra is based on the author’s true story and her open reflection on what it means to be a woman. With lots of twists and turns, this book is certainly something you will relish.
It is about a woman who struggled to rebuild her life after discovering her husband’s infidelity.
It also goes on to relay how lovely life is, but also how it may be harsh at times.
I Called Myself Cassandra is a tale of friendship, family, love, and everything else in between that many women of all ages and even men worldwide might identify with.
Raw, honest, and captivating are the seductive tales and vulnerable encounters of Lourdes Duque Baron.
I Called Myself Cassandra is regarded as a masterfully written and well-balanced book with so many important components that Cornell University in New York City, Northwestern University in Chicago, Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, Rutgers University in New Jersey, along with Stanford University, recommend it as part of a student’s essential reading list.
We are bombarded by stories of adultery, and failing relationships, and a lot of books and movies have made it a point to make it appear as if a rebellious spirit and a destructive mind can heal what is broken; this book goes in a different direction and decides to build a better momentum.
Love, humility, and forgiveness are the keys to happiness.
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