Spider-man: Homecoming A Hit or a Miss?
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About the Author:
Leonard Pua is a Stockbroker at 29 years old and currently a Law Student, Gamer, and Aspiring blogger. He also wants to be a professor. The art of writing is his way of release from daily stress caused by going to Law school and trading in the stock market.
He aims to build his own foundation that will cater to upholding Human Rights, not only in the Philippines but worldwide.
Spiderman: Homecoming Review
by: Leonard Pua
Warning: spoilers ahead, read at your own caution.
With great power comes great responsibility. These were the last words that uncle Ben has always said to Peter Parker as he lay dying in Peter’s arm after being shot. Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, expect to get none of these origin stories from this film’s third reboot. The movie goes straight out after the events of Captain America: civil war and looks at the daily life of Peter Parker aka Spiderman. The film focuses on his daily life. High School, Crushes, Parties, the life of a teenager. However, at night he tries to fight crime and often has disastrous results.
The movie fell short on its hype. I was expecting big villains, great fighting scenes, the works. The typical Marvel Formula. We get a little of those. I know some fans will say that this Spiderman is the nearest Spiderman persona to the comics. Unfortunately, I got irritated with this films Spiderman. He was talkative, hardheaded and even got on Tony Stark’s nerve. He does not embody someone who just held his uncle Ben dying and uttering the famous phrase “with great power comes great responsibility.” What we get is a carefree Peter Parker who does not care about the consequences of his actions.
As for the villain, we get a small-time villain who does not have his own power and relies solely on machines in his arsenal, although there is a plot point with this character which I will not spoil.
Lastly, this film shows the struggle between Marvel and Sony. Peter Parker’s suit comes as a gift from Tony Stark. Peter’s power of abilities come mainly from the said suit which was given by Tony Stark. I find this disappointing because the Spiderman we know created his own suit using his intelligence. In this film, Peter’s self-made suit was crappy at best and he relies mainly on the Spiderman suit given to him by Tony Stark. Which to me is a way of Marvel saying Sony that Spiderman/Peter Parker is nothing without Ironman/Tony Stark and that Peter needs Ironman’s help in order to become a great Superhero.
To end, the film does have it good point, like Marvel’s humor. But, that’s it. that’s all it its. The Film is lackluster at best. Ill give this movie a 3.5/5 rating.