The Truth About Stem Cell therapy Everybody Should Know
You’ll be happy to know that the advantages of stem cell therapy have significantly expanded in recent years.
Researchers are now learning how to use this therapeutic strategy to treat widespread chronic disorders like diabetes, heart disease, and diabetes-related neurodegenerative diseases.
How Stem Cell Therapy Works:
The unique property of stem cells is their capacity to turn into any other kind of cell in the body.
Each cell in our body is initially created from a single, unremarkable cell with a massive nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane.
The complete genetic code—the biological software—necessary to develop everything that ultimately determines each and every specialized cell type in the body is contained within this one cell.
Among the tens of trillions of fully differentiated human cells that make up our body once it has matured (skin, heart, muscle, kidney), there is a population of dormant stem cells that are awaiting activation to assist in the repair of damaged tissue.
These stem cells are present in every tissue compartment, including the bone marrow, the fat, and the fat cells.
Stem cells are what doctors call “nature’s perfect repair kit,” ready to be mobilized, and used for repair as needed.
Stem cells are used in stem cell treatment or regenerative medicine to promote the reparative response of dysfunctional, damaged, or ill tissue.
These cells are grown by researchers in a lab, where they are then modified to specialize in particular cell types, such as nerve, blood, or muscle cells.
The cells can then be implanted into a person, for example, if that individual has cardiac problems. A doctor can administer the cells to the heart muscle in this situation. This therapy is an outpatient process that is rather quick and easy.
Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy
- Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases
- Helps speed up the healing of wounds and incisions faster
- Aids in the healing of symptoms of Huntington’s Disease and Parkinson’s
- Autoimmune diseases
- Aids greatly in osteoporosis and other orthopedic conditions and sports-related injuries
When we are young and suffer harm, stem cells are typically called to the area to carry out repairs.
However, as was already indicated, this skill declines with age.
But what if you could replenish or increase your stem cell supply?
Injecting stem cells into damaged tissue is a common practice among scientists and medical professionals today.
Lourdes Duque Baron
One of the best living proofs that stem cells work is actress-singer, author, and producer Lourdes Duque Baron. At the age of 75, she is the epitome of boundless energy, a sexy figure, and flawless skin!
As a recipient of billions of stem cells, she attests to the truth and efficacy of this revitalizing and enormously powerful treatment.
She makes use of nature’s most powerful repair kit—her beautiful figure and immensely active mind and body are due to mesenchymal stem cells!
The FGAAA Clinic in California has stringent criteria for what stem cells they use in their treatments. They only utilize premium products when it comes to stem cell therapies.
A strict evaluation process occurs to ensure the best interests of patients. The clinic offers potent stem cells that have effective healing potential.
New Breed of Homo Sapiens Book
To get insider tips and exclusive information about the many wonderful benefits of stem cell therapy and more, watch out for Lourdes Duque Baron’s upcoming book, New Breed of Homo Sapiens!
“ Age should not define what you can do best to create a better world for humanity to thrive upon without fear of old age and other symptoms of age-related degenerative diseases”- Lou Baron
Source Credits:
(1) Brazier, Y. (2018, November 12). Lupus: Causes, symptoms, and research. Retrieved from
(2) Cojocaru, M., Cojocaru, I.M., Silosi, I., Vrabie, C.D. (2011). Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Maedica: A Journal of Clinical Medicine; 6(4): 330–336.
(3) Liu, S., Guo, Y. L., Yang, J. Y., Wang, W., & Xu, J. (2018, December 18). Efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells on systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis. Retrieved from