Understanding the Role of Hypothalamus Stem Cells in Aging
Since the beginning of time, humans are already interested in finding the key to longevity and looking young. Cleopatra for one used crocodile dung mixed with donkey’s milk as a face mask to keep her skin fresh and wrinkle free. She also bathed in milk with rose petals for hours.Egyptians and the early Neanderthals were also proven to have worn makeup on their faces more than 50,000 years ago.
Thanks to science and technology we know now that basic skin care creams and rituals like bathing in milk and using animal dung cannot halt aging, it can only help us look younger on the surface, but the effects of time would still manifest. What we are looking for is a cure from within —
Which is why it will come as no surprise that modern scientists are still bent on finding the main reason why humans age.
What influences our body to change? What happens from within? Why do some people age faster? What are the key ingredients that influence the way we age and are we getting closer to finding the solution to the effects of aging?
Hypothalamus and its Connection to Aging
A few years ago, researchers found that by manipulating the levels of NF-κB in the hypothalamus they can influence the pace of aging in mice. This groundbreaking research gave researchers better understanding of aging and metabolism and how it has a direct correlation with human aging.
Medical researchers now believe that the hypothalamus has a crucial role in aging. The hypothalamus has influence over the operation of the metabolism, it has the capability to speed up or slow down aging. The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating the aspects of metabolism.
In the recently published paper, the team points out a particular small population of stem cells found in the hypothalamus. Once the body begins losing these stem cells in the hypothalamus that is when the process of aging beings.
Researchers believe that the signals these stem cells generate are crucial to whether a person will age faster.
This is the same situation for people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, when these critical populations of cells in the brain are diminished, the person affected will experience disruption of autophagy in the body. When there is a steady decline of stem cell population in the tissues, this signals further damage and destruction to other parts of the body.
Brains Cells Has Direct Effect in Controlling Aging
The hypothalamus is crucial to the human body’s growth development, reproduction, and metabolism. It is the organ that regulates aging throughout the human body. A tiny population of adult neural stem cells is the one forming new brain neurons.
Research shows that the number of hypothalamic neural stem cells naturally declines as we age, and these further declines once a person hits the age of 50. But the great discovery is that the aging effects are not irreversible. By replenishing the lost stem cells, it is possible to slow down the symptoms of aging like brittle bones, muscle ache, wrinkles and even age spots.
The focus of scientists now is to answer this question,” Could adding stem cells to the hypothalamus counteract aging”?
Researchers tested some mice for this specific purpose, they injected hypothalamic stem cells into the brains of middle-aged mice whose stem cells have been destroyed, as well as into the brains of normal old mice. In both groups of animals, the treatment slowed or reversed signs of aging.
This confirms the theory that Hypothalamic Stem Cells could exert anti-aging effects by releasing molecules identified as microRNAs. They play key roles in regulation gene expression.
Hypothalamic Stem Cells
When the hypothalamus stem cells die off, this is when we begin to age and suffer from mental and physical difficulties at a rapid pace. To help battle the decline of hypothalamus stem cells, the inflammation inside it must be reduced. The hypothalamus must be supplied with a fresh batch of stem cells so that there is possibility for the human body to regain its coordination, endurance, and even sharp memory.
However, it is important to note that although the nervous system, particularly the hypothalamus has a definite role in aging, the entire cellular mechanism responsible for aging remains a mystery for humans. More research must be done.
New Breed of Homo Sapiens
There is a growing number of stem cell advocates in the world today. Award winning author, actress-singer Lourdes Duque Baron (73 years old) and A-list Hollywood actor Michael York (77 years old) are part of a growing community of stem cell advocates.
Both a receiver of billions of stem cells themselves, they attest to the truth and efficacy of this rejuvenating and immensely powerful treatment.
Michael York a highly respected actor who is known for his work in Cabaret, Logan’s Run, and Austin Power decided to become an advocate for stem cells after receiving treatment for his Amyloidosis and Multiple Myeloma.
While 73 year old Lourdes Duque Baron experienced the healing of her Osteoporosis by way of stem cell therapy.
Already in her 70’s, Lou Baron enjoys the effect of billions of stem cells injected through her veins. She is literally a New Breed of Human- faster, stronger, sharper, and operating on higher levels of energy and inspiration.
Lou Baron credits her faith in Jesus Christ and stems cells for her energy and vitality in life.
Stem cells are the spark that brought her the idea to write the book — New Breed of Homo Sapiens!
” Stem cells will reverse aging and improve the quality of life for many, but it is not a ticket to immortality”. I want my readers to fully understand and grasp the importance of this medical breakthrough. We are talking about future generations and the new breed of humans, and I want to bring the knowledge to the public’s doorstep.
Lourdes Duque Baron, New Breed of Homo Sapiens ( Author)
Baron studies tirelessly to promote advances in stem cell research. Believing that there is a need to do more.
Her upcoming book New Breed of Homo Sapiens will recount how stem cell therapy helped cure her Osteoporosis. The book will narrate the powerful and life changing effects of regenerative medicine in her entire body and mind.