How to call the Archangels to Guide You

Christel Payseng
4 min readFeb 8, 2021


When we think about Angels, there are times where we imagine an image of cute cherubim or a fairy like a creature. This is because this was programmed to us by television and mass media. But there is so much more to discover about the angels and their role in guiding and improving our lives.

I did not start out as a religious person, and will not recommend until this very day to get affiliated with any church organization. When I speak of Angels and their power and ability to help us in this life, I am pertaining to our own ability to connect with the Angels through our mind and consciousness. A lot of religions have led us astray into false truths and the only way to break this barrier is to tap into our own source of knowledge- our consciousness and ability to connect with spiritual guides in order for us to gain answers.

Guardian Angels

We all have guardian angels that are looking over us and it is not fairy tale. Most just have forgotten to connect and realize that there are spiritual guides out there who are more than willing to help.


Archangels are more powerful, and stronger when compared with guardian angels. While there are no exact numbers as to determine how many archangels are here on earth, we do know some of the most powerful ones that have been mentioned in holy texts and scriptures. Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Raphael are noted as some of the strongest Archangels that we can call upon for guidance.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael can be called upon for guidance every day of your life. If you have a plan, vision or goal for the coming months then the best way is to ask guidance from the Archangels to give you clarity and assist you in removing the negative ideas in your mind. Archangel Michael will help restore peace in your mind and he can be called upon any time of the day if you are feeling troubled or worried about a certain decision that you have to do in life.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the angel for communication if you have trouble communicating your thoughts and ideas, if you need assistance in helping you overcome your fear in communicating with your loved ones, friends, boss, and co-workers then you can call upon his name for clarity.

Archangel Raphael

If a loved one is sick or if you are having problems with your health then you can call Archangel Raphael for healing. The Angel Raphael can help you get an idea to what triggered or caused your health problem. He is also the Angel to call upon when you are traveling and you want to make sure that the travel would be safe and smooth for you and your loved ones.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is the angel that can be called upon in times of disasters and calamities. If you are also unsure as to what your current life purpose is, then he is the Angel for you.

Communicate with Guardian Angels in Dreams

The purpose of sleep is still unknown to a lot of people, apart from the fact that we need to sleep to rest. There is also a special function for dreams when it comes to new spiritual growth. To hear from the Angels and what they want to say to you in your waking life, you can meditate and ask the Blood of Jesus Christ to cover you before sleeping. Invite the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael to your dreams to help them guide you in gaining new understanding and perspective in the current situation where you are in.

Before going to sleep, take the time to quiet your thoughts and meditate. Affirm mentally or aloud “Dear God and the Archangels please send your message in my dreams tonight and help me understand what I am tasked to do in this current situation where I am in. Help me remember my dreams and the clues that I need to see to solve the problems that I am experiencing right now.

A lot of writers and successful inventors and entrepreneurs were able to receive missing tips and clues in their dreams. You can use this powerful method of connecting with your spiritual guides using this method. You need to have faith, to take the time to align yourself and your thoughts to be able to benefit from this.

Ask the Angels to clear or remove the stress and negative energy that is blocking yours from achieving what you need to achieve in life. Do this every morning, every day of your life before starting anything. Take 10 to 20 minutes to meditate and connect and to state your dreams to the Universe and allow them to manifest and work through you through inspired action.



Christel Payseng
Christel Payseng

Written by Christel Payseng

Antiquarian, someone who is simply enjoying her journey through life, Jesus Christ is King

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